It’s Worg’s World (we’re all just living in it) on the podcast this week, as we watch the Power Rangers Dino Super Charge episode ‘Worgworld’!

Who is Worg, and why do we love him? What fitness craze has stolen our profoundly unfit nerdy hearts? And what hardcore mafia scene rocked our world? The answers to all these questions and more await, on this episode of the Ranger Danger Dino Super Charge podcast!

Show Notes

  • Apparently in Australia we trust “people who cook good” to give us advice on stuff like “what we should eat”. Pete Evans is one of those people. He thinks sunscreen is poisonous and that the dairy in milk can take away the dairy in your bones.
  • They made 6 Turok games. Six!
  • I’m not sharing Mat’s lyrics to Ship to Wreck. You don’t need that in your life.

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