Yee-haw! Getcher ridin’ boots on ‘cause we’re sadlin’ up to ride back to the past once again, as we watch the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers episde ‘Wild West Rangers, Part One’! Who’s Rocko, and is he any better than Rocky? (Spoiler warning: no) Will the show’s handling of time travel be bad enough to once again send Michael into a frothing rage? (Spoiler warning: yes) And why does a sign make Mat inexplicably happy? (Spoiler warning: because it reveals that somebody on this show cares) All this and more rootin’ tootin’, Putty-on-horseback craziness awaits you on this episode of the Mighty Morphin’ Ranger Danger podcast!

Show Notes

  • I’ve got no notes for this one either.
  • I guess it was just self-contained.
  • Sorry.

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