This week on the podcast, we watch the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers episode ‘The Power Stealer!’ It should not shock you to learn that a total of zero people get their powers stolen. This show, man. What could Mat possibly have to quibble about after watching the amazing fan-trailer Zordon of Eltar? How does Thunderbirds get shoe-horned into the conversation? And could it possibly be true that /another/ monster is felled by Triceratops-branded mirror? Find out in this week’s episode of the Mighty Morphin’ Ranger Danger podcast!
Show Notes
- What if Star Wars was Power Rangers? It’d look something like this, probably. It’d be messed up.
- Zordon of Eltar is coming soon, but head over to their Facebook page to keep up with their progress.
- The Magic School Bus animated series was hella dope, y’all, and I think that’s the first time that sentence has ever been written. Apparently there’s an all-CG one coming in 2016. It’s probably not as good.