The doors of the Boom Room swing open again – but this time, to welcome brand new guests! Writer Tini Howard (‘The Skeptics’, ‘Poseidon 9’) and colourist Sarah Stern (‘Cindersong’, ‘Goldie Vance’) join us to discuss the entirety of ‘Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Pink’ from Boom! Studios!

Which Ranger did Tini temporarily forget in the final issue? Why was Sarah stoked by getting to use lots of pink? And what absolutely sterling pitch do Sarah and Tini have for Goldar? Find out the answers to these questions and many more from two incredibly talented and incredibly fun comics professionals on this episode of the Ranger Danger Boom Room podcast!

Show Notes

  • You can preorder MMPR: Pink from your local comic book shop, digitally via Comixology, or online from Amazon. (PS: if you do, would you tweet at Boom Studios and tag us in it?)
  • Follow Tini Howard on Twitter here, follow Sarah Stern on Twitter here, and follow BOOM! Studios here.

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