Who’s the fool? We’re not actually sure, but we hope it’s not us on the podcast this week as we recap and review the third episode of Power Rangers Dino Charge: ‘A Fool’s Hour’! Which Ranger (probably) gave up any chance of true love for a laser gun? What moment of action was /almost/ too far? And what terrible/amazing pun does Mat use to close out the recap? Find out on this episode of the Ranger Danger podcast!

Show Notes

  • Legacy Blade Blaster? So help me god, they’re going to take all my money.
  • Sledging is a classic tradition of being a hilarious asshole to your cricket opponents. (It’s a slow game. You have to fill up the time somehow.) The classic example is the following section of dialogue:
    • “Why are you so fat?”
    • “Because every time I fuck your wife she gives me a biscuit.”
  • There is indeed a Power Rangers Samurai game for the Wii, which looks predictably awful.

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